The are arrogant and their commentators are very one sided..doesn't matter what rank you are its all about how you play on the day...
Dean, why do you dislike Aus so much? Also why does everyone think wales will win? Aus are 3rd in the world right now.
To be fair, sa are 2 in world and are a class above Australia
Yes thats what everyone said about wales and South-Africa.. And looked what happened
different team for aus, Wales will beat them comfortably
Hope wales humiliate Aus but when i look at the Wales vs Tonga score I'm doubtful..
Wales lineup is stacked... If I were the wallabies I'd be nervous
You know your **** when you lose to japan! 2nd 3rd 4th even 5th string team or not! Your ****
Wales are **** they cant win **** all! So what the lions won theyre the best of 4 countries! Get a sanzar team and we'll bleed the lions and behead them!. Wallabies 11 wales 1 hahaha dream on ! Wallabies are gonna slay the welsh and this is coming from an allblack supporter, arch enemy of wallabies.... Sanzar top 3 nh teams got nothing! ALLBLACK EVERYTHING! 14 from 14 unbeaten !