Picamoles carries from the scrum. Babillot steals it on the deck for Castres who counter.
Knock on at the lineout by the visitors and the hosts have the feed to the scrum outside their 22.
Castres work it wide from the scrum before a kick through from Kockett which rockets off a Bordeaux defender and goes into touch outside the 22.
The return kick from Ducuing is overcooked. Castres scrum just inside the Bordeaux half.
Castres secure possession from the restart, just. Kockett clears from the 22.
Castres on the board after 22. Urdapilleta slotting a penalty from right in front.
Castres take it through the phases and keep it tight and earn a penalty right in front.
Knock on from the restart. Attacking scrum for Castres.
Again the two sides trade kicks before Castres give a penalty away at the breakdown.
First miss for Jalibert