The opening three minutes of play have been played around the halfway line. Possession changing hands multiple times.

Another quick lineout and Harbour have a lineout near halfway.

Walden tries to make a break down the left hand side but is tackled out. Harbour take it quickly and put in a brilliant kick which goes out 10m from the Taranaki tryline.

The teams have made their way back onto the park. The second half is about to get underway.

The ball goes wide, but it is a poor pass and the ball goes out of play. That brings the half to an end. It has been an absolute try-fest with 8 tries having been scored in the opening 40min, largely due to some very poor defense by the home side.

Poor defense by Taranaki who allow another line break straight from the kickoff. They are held up over the tryline. Scrum to harbour 5m out.

Hunt goes into contact 10m out. He is unable to go to ground so his team barges into him to get him over the tryline.

2 Minutes remaining in the half. Harbour have a scrum on the home side's 22m line.

Injury to his leg. He has been limping for most of the match.

A lose ball in the backline by Harbour is gathered by Ware who runs 60m before being tackled 15m out. The ball is quickly spread wide where Manasa scores in the corner.