A fantastic counter attacking try as Segonds tries a kick over the top. A loose offload goes Vakatawa's way and he sends Imhoff into space. The Argentine offloads to Tanga who throws an excellent long ball to Taofifenua who is unmarked as he runs in the try.
A neat kick over the top by Segonds and Stade tap it back but Imhoff pounces
Imhoff spills it and Stade attack
Hall puts boot to ball.
Stade make their way up to halfway
Segonds sends it high. Gibert does well to evade the first defender. He kicks two phases later after a poor pass.
Chat his Lauret from the lineout. Racing go wide to Vakatawa before Gibert kicks.
Stade Francais secure the restart. Hall uses his pack to work the angle before Segonds clears into touch just over his 40m line.
Segonds slashes the lead to 7 points.
Segonds lines up the shot at goal.