Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Advantage to the home side and Mack snipes blind and dives for the line but is out

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Seawolves win their line out and drive it

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Penalty Seawolves

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Seawolves with a few phases in the Legion 22

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
He is hit hard as the Legion envelop him - High tackle produces a penalty though

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Mack undecided as he picks from the base

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Duechle takes it up

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
The home side have possession but it is slow ball

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Illegal tackle and Te'o is told to warn his side that the next time it will result in a yellow card

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Legion kick deep and Seawolves counter from deep - winning a penalty