Scarlets will get a chance to double their lead after Best is penalised for hands on the floor. Priestland to kick once more.

Ulster get the scrum 10 metres from the Scarlets line but once more The Scarlets pack dominates and they win the penalty.

Priestland's kick is good and Scarlets go in front.

From the lineout Van der Merwe is penalised and Scarlets get the penalty and Priestland will go for the posts.

The kick from hand been impressive from both sides so far with Liam Williams kicking a beauty in behind Bowe. Ulster will have a pressure lineout 5 metres from their line.

Good drive from Ulster who make their way into the Scarlets 22. Ian Humphreys has the ball in hand and as he looks for a player to pass to Ludik gets in the way of Scott Williams and is penalised for obstruction.

The Scarlets attack ends with Samson Lee penalised for being off his feet.

Scarlets win a free kick from the scrum and Williams takes it quickly.

Marshall brings Ulster into the Scarlets 22 but the Scarlets win the scrum with Cave knocking the ball forward.

Priestland is able to get the ball clear but fails to make touch with Bowe able to pin Scarlets back into their 22 with another fine kick.