@jazzyjeff, I agree, I'd happily pay a subscription to see international (and hopefully someday DOMESTIC) pro rugby!
Also for all the guys asking for the kick off times in their local time. this app shows all kick off times for whatever time your phone is set on. It auto sets the times for US EST/GMT -4
I would too. shame they don't show more rugby in the US. it's the fastest growing sport in the country while other tradional sports are seeing small declines in numbers
JC you'll have to find it online probably. Directtv has some rugby but I have to find pirates streaming. Which is a shame as I'd totally pay for a digital subscription
Go Samoa. The world is behind you.
Anyone know if this is being carried in the US?
3 am UK time
Anyone know the GMT time KO?
Gutted I'm working nights this week :(