Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
The teams trade kicks and Saracens win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Saracens kick us off.
Shane O.
Dec 12
Pro 12 is good mind
Dec 12
Don't watch it then lads! I'm sure the Pro 12 can entertain you, long as you stay awake 😀
Shane O.
Dec 12
And I need over 49! Point scored 😂😂
Peter Ó Laighléis
Dec 12
Saracens with their South African side have set a template of boring power rugby. It's a pity the other teams have followed
Colm C.
Dec 12
English rugby gone boring and predictable, bring on the 6 Nations..
Peter Ó Laighléis
Dec 12
Such ugly rugby, Wasps are the only GP team worth watching

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Ref blows the whistle on this half, an incredibly boring half hopefully second half will be more exciting

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Saracens get a penalty and kick for the corner, line out Saracens on the 22