Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Tahs swing it wide.

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
We'e 42 minutes into the first half as the Tahs take the line out on the 22.

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Tahs get the penalty on the half way line as Canes collapse the maul.

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Tahs secure and maul...

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Line out on the half way line.

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Tahs strong at the scrum and are awarded the penalty. They go for touch!

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Canes knocked it out of the Tahs hand, Tahs scrum on their 5m line.
Nathan McClintock
Jul 7
Phipps muppet

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Canes try a chip and chase, Tahs fumble the ball in the goal area and Canes press it down... TRY???

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Canes secure the line out, they ruck and run.