Ball is turned over at the breakdown by Edinburgh, McInally gets it from Toolis, Graham leads the chase from a Pygros box kick

Edinburgh has a line out in own half but Newcastle gets a gift after the throw not being straight

Flood gives a lengthy kick off, 6 min to half time and there is only 2 points in it,

Newcastle offside, Edinburgh going for the 3 points

6 m line out, Gilchrist takes it by the line out, Edinburgh are close to the line, Nell having a go after a few phases

Edinburgh made a great break through after working the back quickly, ref comes back for Edinburgh penalty

Edinburgh opts to take the scrum, Pyrgos feeds, again Newcastle under pressure at the scrum, Dean wrestling his way through in mid field

Ref restarts the scrum twice, Edinburgh back line is lined up but Newcastle concedes a free kick at the set piece

Harris is back on his feet, Graham takes his eyes off the restart, knocks it on, Edinburgh scrum deep in Newcastle half