Great try great player scored more tries than caps! Legend..
8 tries again England lol
Dont think hate is a strong enuf word for it
I hate england in all sports as i think they are arrogant in that regard particularly because they arent the best in any of the sports they invented, cricket australia is the best, rugby NZ is the best, rugby league Australia is the best, Their national sport is football and they arent even very good at that, but outside of sport i dont understand your ridiculous lecel of hatred for them, england has done more good things for this world than any other
No flag no anthem wtf tha about
Queen is German, sent to rule over the English. Nothing more, even the Vikings sat you all down, you haven't got any heritage to be proud of mate.
I went to Buckingham palace once, its a ******* scam. I asked for my money back
Ditto Gentlemen. ...agreed