Poor kick from Patchell from about 35 metres out. Score remains 6-3.
Was that really a penalty from Kearney????

Hands in the ruck from Kearney in the ruck so a penalty is awarded to Cardiff. Rhys Patchell goes for posts.

Good kick from the touchline and he reduces Leinster's lead to 3.

Jamie Heaslip in from the side and gives away a penalty. Rhys Patchell will go for the sticks.

Fergus Mc Fadden offside from Gopperths kick and Cardiff will get the penalty. Patchell boots the ball into touch for a lineout on the 22.

Kick had the distance but not the direction and the score rermains 6-0.

Another penalty for Leinster as Allen offside after a knock on. Madigan will go for posts with a kick around 45 metres out.

Cardiff get some ball and go wide, Cuthbert chips through but the ball runs to far so Eoin Reddan can touchdown with ease for a 22 dropout.

Good kick from Madigan to make it 6-0. Steady start from the hosts.