Keatley goes to the corner, again the maul set up and again Italy are pinged. Referee Garces runs out of patience and sin bins Ghiraldini for persistent infringing
nice performance so far
Lineout won by Toner, maul set up before Keatley tries a cross kick with advantage coming. Nothing comes from the kick, so we go back for the penalty.
Ball wide to Bowe who grubbers on, ball is put in to touch to give ball back to Ireland
Haimona goes to clear but is blocked down. Good field position now for Ireland
Good scrum from the Irish, Keatley dinks a ball in behind to bring play to the Italian 22
Good field position for Italy, but a forward pass hands possession back to Ireland
Murray clears after the restart, Bowe taps back but only to Castrogiovanni
Ian kicking great but we need a try
Good work