A quick response from Scotland, they put the pressure on the Italian defense which the host cant seem to handle and McLean dives and stretches to score the try.

Italy have taken the lead.

The forwards push their way into the 5m. They try once and fall just short. The second attempt for the line sees their front rower get over to score a try for Italy.

Great running from the Scotts.

McLean has a fantastic run and the Italian defense cannot counter quick enough, Henderson gets the ball and draws in the last defender before popping the ball to McGhie who finishes it off for the first points of the game.

The ball goes over the try line and Italy clear.

Henderson takes the ball well before Chamberlain grubbers the ball through.

Chamberlain kicks to touch with an early penalty.

Italy get us underway.

It's the third match for Italy and Scotland's U20. Italy are the hosts with 4 points and Scotland have the 2 points. Italy have won one of their games while Scotland have not won a single game yet. Will Italy beat the Scotts today?!