Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Gray carries.

Al Warren Mar 3

Maybe the scots should make way for a better nation

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

7 minutes remain.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Trimble knocks forward and Scotland have possession.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland win against the head.

Adrian Sims Mar 3

Of course it is everyone else's fault but the Scottish team that they are going to lose?!?

Bernard McLaughlin Mar 3

And finally the ref spots that Ireland have been putting in forward passes all game.

Leon Smith Mar 3

I sympathise with the scots. Sexton should be cited for play acting. Sending him on the naughty step for that is ridiculous! It's a bloody contact sport. God when I was playing you expect to get ejected from a ruck or even stamped out of the way. I fear we are going down the football route with this play acting and shouting at the referee. Worries me. He got thrown out of a ruck for gods sake! If you don't want to get hurt sexton stay out of the contact area!

Paddy B. Mar 3

Refs not great, sexton call close but Scots giving away a lots of pens in 22.

Tim Lovegrove Mar 3

my chariot is swinging low at the moment .......... ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜