Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Maul set up by Ireland, Babaas do well to stop it short of the line. Babaas put in at the scrum
Jacob Thomas Watkins-Hughes
May 5
He is a massive selfish **** how only thinks about himself!!

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Penalty Ireland for not releasing, Madigan finds a great touch in the Babaas 22

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Ball lost forward, Ireland struggling to hold on to the ball

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Penalty Ireland at the scrum, and now they go quick through Heaslip

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Babaas looking dangerous now, Jennings just bundled in to touch from a Smith break. Ball eventually lost forward, scrum Ireland to come
Louis L.
May 5
He never had it

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Goppeth tries a cross kick, but the ball beats everyone to touch on the 22

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
The Babaas come again, Cuthbert with a big carry out wide
Andrew Kealy
May 5
It this a uncap game