Sexton gets the second half underway.

Argentina out on the field doing some handling drills, waiting for Ireland to return.
Organised in defense, Argentina only real space coming from not getting man and ball.
playing solid con. Defence is A1 and our attack is just as strong. second half should see allot more tries if we continue as we did in the first. few sore and tired pumas will leave gaps
How well is Ireland playing?
Looks a little slow, Kearney beating him to a few kicks, give him time. Great to see Kearney and Healy showing
Hes been a bit quiet on the wing but solid in what he's done so far. just needs more time to show some flash
How is Adam Byrne playing?
need Conway on. Burst of speed is what we need to shake up the Pumas defence
Ireland looking strong but a ways to go yet. Loving the movement off the ball!