This match is opening up with three tries in the last 8 minutes.

Blood reversal


Replay shows the ball has been grounded. But it is unclear whether it is on the line or not. We'll wait and see.

Griquas get over the line, but it appears to be held up. Joubert has gone to the TMO.

Third time this half that Griquas have passed the ball into touch. They need to lift their game.

Griquas really need to get some points on the board whilst both teams are on 14 men. However it is looking unlikely as Sharks are showing great momentum, getting over the advantage line consistently.

Great defensive work by Griquas. Turnover in their 22m.

Sharks are pushing for a try now, they find themselves camping in the Griquas 22m

Sharks defend the maul well, Griquas pass the ball into touch. Sharks win their lineout, then win a penalty at the breakdown. Zeilinger sends the ball into touch on the halfway line.