Cheetahs cuase an obstruction in the lineout and Whitehead can clear for touch

Cheetahs receive another penalty and Pienaar kicks for the corner

Cheetahs now being pushed back over the Griquas 22

Cheetahs receive a penalty after the lineout and it's a tap and go from Pienaar as the Cheetahs build the phases

Boshoff goes off with what looks like an injury to his leg

Cheetahs win their scrum and send the ball wide before being brought back to a penalty against the Griquas that Pienaar will clear for touch

Uys' throw in is skew and it's a scrum for the Cheetahs

Pienaar box kicks the ball downfield and out for touch and Griquas have the lineout

Fortuin clears the ball downfield before the Cheetahs receive it back from Banda

Griquas are awarded with a free kick and Whitehead clears it downfield as Cheetahs attack on their ten metre line