Grenoble attack but , the ball is lost forward under the pressure of the Bordeaux rush defense

Grenoble find touch and the line out is set up inside the Bordeaux half

Massive scrum from Bordeaux but, its the visitors who are penalized for infringing at the scrum

Bordeaux on the attack and swinging some passes together taking place all the way up to the ten meter line of Grenoble but, the ball is lost forward

This time Bordeaux opt for the kick at goal and Hickey gets the first points of the game after 27 minutes

Penalty to Bordeaux as the Grenoble pack penalized for collapsing the scrum
What happened Kepu?

Bordeaux attack from the line out but, the ball is knocked on and Grenoble will have the scrum feed

Grenoble send the ball into touch and Bordeaux will have the line out feed and will look to attack

Free kick to the home side as the Bordeaux pack pinned for an early push