Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Conversion is good from Kockott

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Try! Fickou collects on a scintillating line, cutting back inside and sprinting clear

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Off the top of the LO, Fickou takes the ball to the line and scythes through to score

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Off the LO, France serve the ball straight to Fickou

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Two more pick-and-goes before Romania are pinged for holding
Richard Nui
Sep 9
Is it me or are people leaving the stadium early?

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Forwards pick and go through Lucaci

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Sloppy delivery, but possession maintained

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Touch found on their own 10

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Romania awarded another penalty at the scrum