Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Delibrate knock on and Leicester take the penalty quick. Into the 22.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Leicester have the lineout and they spread it right and wide.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Free kick to the chiefs and they clear down field.
Luke Barrowman
Dec 12
Cuz they clash or are on Monday/tuesday

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Knock on over the line so 5 meter scrum to Exeter.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Slater gets over but we will have to check the grounding and pass.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Betham up to the 5 now.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Penalty Leicester 5 meters out. They go to the corner.

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Tuilangi makes a break up to the 5 meter now.
Leinster Exile.
Dec 12
Why are there several Premiership games not on TV today.