Morgan's try flattered England in what was a poor second half. But they got the win and continue building momentum into their biggest test next week against the All Blacks. Argentina upped their performance in the second 40 but found it difficult to break down the English defence.
Thank you for joining us! Check back in a day or two for highlights of this game.
Nz as a nation ain't arrogant just cause were good don't make us arrogant ..all blacks is one of the most successful teams in sporting history.. They r because they don't take anyone lighting. England beat us at our own game lAst year and deserved the win I can't c that happening again all blacks are at another level
Agreed; media went way way over the top after that result; but NOT all fans; those there, rightly, celebrated a famous win over the best, most consistent team in the world, but NOT all fans and NOT this one.
We actually got worse as last Autumn rolled on, and did exactly the same in the 6 Nations.
England's problem, and the perception from the rest of the world, is our media.
They'll get smashed!
Luckily he wasn't defending aye haha
Great finish, I mean Wade May Yarde Sharples etc could not have scored that! Why does he keep getting picked when guys are playing better?
So! He's let several on too!
All blacks next week :)
Have to agree with Ryan, the way England acted after their first win over the AB in over a decade was laughable, commendable victory, envy of the NH but the reaction by fans and media was hilarious
I rest my case Phil