TRY! Esposito gets over for his side taking the lead.

Treviso maintaining this momentum straight back on the attack.

McKinley closes the gap to a single point.

McKinley points to the posts.

As one side returns to 15 the other drop to 14 as Bradbury see's yellow after the referee deems he has played the ball with his foot illegally at the breakdown.

Edinburgh the first to Attack in the second half.

Plenty of fresh legs being introduced to try really separate between these two sides.

Both sides back on the field as McKinley gets us back underway.

Both sides head to the dressing rooms with just 4 points separating them. Edinburgh have been the better of the two sides with strong contributions up the centre and from their back row but Treviso have kept themselves in this game.

Treviso earn a penalty for offside and McKinley closes the gap down to 4.