Radosavljevic puts in a box kick and Racing run it back

Castre batter away at the Racing line but the ref blows it up for a player coming in off his feet. Racing have an opportunity to relieve the pressure

Castre have a lineout on the Racing 22 but Maka wins the lineout and Racing put boot to ball and clear their lines

Racing gets blown for crossing and Urdapiletta finds a good touch
If you can access Bein Sports, the match is live on Bein Sports 12 channel.

Racing now have a chance to attack as they work their way into Castres half
Thanks DH

Urdapiletta looks to nudge through a grubber but gets knock on by a Racing hand

No dice for the Castre winger but they are on the attack again just outside the 10m

The referee is going upstair s to check for the grounding of a potential try from Smith