Castres win the scrum and quickly break away down this near side

Scrum to Castres now all the way back from where Hutchinson kicked

Castres deal with the kick off well and look to set up and exit play here, Kockoot kicks downfield, Hutchinson returns with a kick of his own which goes dead

Myler kicks off and the second half is underway
Saints are poor.
Is it castre super or saints poor?

Castres claim the restart and Kockott kicks to touch bringing the first half to a close.

Urdipaletta comfortably converts

Kockott sends a clever kick in behind the Saints defence and sets off in chase, he manages to regain possession, he is tackled and Tichit takes the ball on and powers over from close range

Northampton kick downfield, Kockott spots a gap behind the Saints' defence and kicks into that space