A very shaky line-out sees the ball end up in possession of Castres. Ball lost forward at the line-out, scrum Castres.
Urdapilleta opts for a well placed kick deep into the 22 of La Rochelle.
Vincent Rattez attacks form deep but loses the ball in contact. Scrum Castres.
Ball comes out quick and they opt to put through a grubber. Castres deal with the kick and send the ball downfield.
Penalty La Rochelle. Vito latches onto the ball at the ruck. West kicks towards touch to set up a line-out.
Castres forwards and backs linking well with one another.
Castres op to hit it up in the midfield with a few strong carries.
West clears well from his own tryline. The New Zealander evaded the chasing defender from Castres.
Kockett once more sends the ball high. La Rochelle manages to collect and launch an attack. Castres Forwards penalized for going off their feet at the ruck.
La Rochelle manages to attack through a great break by Pierre Bougarit, but his pass to Marc Andrue does not go to hand.