Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Canada in possession following the restart

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Charge down from Grusnick and she collects and goes over as Wales concede a soft try!

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Wales running it from their 22

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
2nd half underway here as Canada look to move the ball again

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Halftime score 26-0 to Canada!

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Alarie has a brace as the Canadian side counter with perfection and surge over the line as they go 4 tries ahead!

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Canada steal the possession after a loose pass

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Wales on the attack now as half time creeps closer, they need something before half time here

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Wales restart and Canada receive well and clear their lines

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
The Welsh under too much pressure and eventually gave way for this massive forward momentum by Canada