Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Canada maul it off the attacking lin eout

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Ardron breaks off the back, hi sloose pass is kicked away and Canada retrieve it but Leinster dive on a grounded player - Penalty Canada

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Scrum Canada to restart

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Canade break away through vd MErwe and Leinster infringe, Referee and Fardy having a lengthy chat as the players get some water in

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Leinster steal it and Fardy hit high giving the visitors a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Nelson boots it to touch

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Fardy getting a talking to after Doris fails to roll away

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Leinster up quickly and drive Canada back

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Hands through the half backs