Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
The ball is lost and Germain breaks along the touch line but gets brilliantly tackeld

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Latu puts in the leg drive and makes a few metres

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Hamdaoui looks to run but gets smashed in the tackle

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
The ball goes deep but the kick is returned

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
The ball bounces off the upright and it is dotted down, a 22m restart to follow

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Segonds opts for the points

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Scrum Penalty Francais

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Hamdaoui throws the ball forward, scrum Bayonne

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Francais steals the line out once again

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
The scrum forces Bayonne backwards but Hall plays in Segonds who kicks the ball through into touch