Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Massive scrum by the Steamers and the Stags front row pops and give away a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Ball not straight and Southland have a scrum just outside their 22

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
HArris throws into the line out

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Knocked out in contact

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Plenty of precaution taken here for the Southland centre

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Injury break as the stretcher comes out for Moffat

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
His head makes contact with Evemy's hip

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Tackler out cold as he gets his head on the wrong side

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
They send it but a rush defence stops them

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Pick and go and there is an overlap