Stefan Lichvar
Feb 2
George Woghiren
Feb 2
Go on farrel

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Poor handling from Ireland when they get into the English 22 is letting the visitors' defence off the hook far too easily.
Samuel Floyd Griffiths
Feb 2
Feb 2
Paris was terrible
Deirdre Eirah Coffey
Feb 2
Could be worse. If it was in france they would have just called it off coz its raining.
Jacques Andre Deneys
Feb 2
Use your back line Ireland!! Run the f n ball
Joe Murray
Feb 2
Tony obviously you didn't see the pitch for France v Wales?
Angus Chambers
Feb 2
Come on South Africa
Stefan Lichvar
Feb 2
They must be on the edge of their nerves playing in a pool of water with a wet soap ball haha