Ultimate Rugby 3w

Zebre penalised again Edinburgh go to the far corner and maul it from a lineout

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Edinbirgh win the lineout

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Box kick by Price works against Zebre as they win the penalty and opt for touch

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Edinburgh win ther lineout and and go short

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Prisciantelli finds touch on the Edinburgh 22

Ultimate Rugby 3w

De Rea makes no mistake this time around

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Zebre continue to prove their strength on defense, winning a penalty in range, De Rea steps up again

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Healy knocks a 50/22 right after coming on

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Zebre shoot themselves in the foot by knocking the ball on after an excellent passage of play

Ultimate Rugby 3w

Prisciantelli finds space behind the Edinburgh defense