Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Ball with France just inside Welsh territory. Fofana with a great pop pass on the outside
Sharon H.
Feb 2
Now this is how you play rugby, well done Wales xx
Ron C.
Feb 2
When do France arrive at the millennium stadium? Think they are still on the bus

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Another top kick from 50 out for Halfpenny. Plisson to get us back underway
Feb 2
You just count on the French to do anything right.

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Pape with a stray boot from an offside position and Wales awarded the penalty on halfway. Good tempo from Wales but France defending well. Lot more intensity from the hosts
Feb 2
Cmon wales!
Ron C.
Feb 2
Jez France look shellshocked

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Webb with his first snipe around the fringes and Wales are on the front foot on halfway
Sharon H.
Feb 2
There was no push the tmo showed u that no way was it a push!!!