Yellow Card | 20'
Ah Wha
What did he do
Picking a player up and not using care in bringing him to ground
should have been a red card!
was bound to happen following the comments attributed to him in the press this week
No way should it have been a red it would only be red if his legs were above his head being brought down and they weren't
listen to yourself haha legs lifted at all and thrown on the ground is a red card offence
Who was it against?
Garrett Davey you're a fool, ever heard of past the horizontal?
Ok garret I think it's time you read up on your rugby rules
I'm a referee myself Sam the ruling is a player in the air or lifted of his feet must be placed back to the ground safely as possible
Garrett Davy you're a muppet
Yeah leave Garrett alone
At best O'Brien was reckless.
At least he knows rugby Lewis
Garret your a ****
there was also an exact tackle like this earlier in the Chiefs vs Western force game folks have a look at it!
SOB and Kirchner both lifted him and Kirchner did bring him down. He wasn't beyond horizontal. SOB frustrated as Lacey blocked him from defending Hendersons try.
All ladyboys wear blue tinted glasses, Garrett
Garrett if you really are a ref if so you frustrate the life out of the players
*id say
beyond the horizontal is a phrase used by commentators to indicate how bad a tackle is or was, the law is clear if you take a player of their feet you must place him back on them or attempt to! Kirchner tried to O'Brien most certainly didn't! the law is clear on this point as we have seen before but not tonight
Dead on Edel
always player safety first Edel
Garrett you really couldn't be more wrong
Enough garret , your boring us here
just stating the law Pearse haha
Jesus man get over, even sean o Brien has at this stage!
just clearing up an issue that I was slated for Hugh haha
Fair enough bud. Didn't look bad to me I must say.
I agree Hugh
yeah its one of those ones that do look a lot worse on the slow month bit the law is the law at the end of it all in afraid!
slow mo* haha
You've not really cleared anything up Garrett, you're still getting slated....
Ha ha Lewis
I've cleared the laws side of things lewis haha what people think of me because of it, I'll let them decide
(j) Lifting a player from the ground and dropping or driving that player into the ground whilst that player’s feet are still off the ground such that the player’s head and/or upper body come into contact with the ground first is dangerous play.
Sanction: Penalty kick
yes the sanction was correct I've no problem with it, cards are given for foul play that go beyond the sanction hence O'Brien given a yellow in the TMO/referees view
SOB gave Henderson a bit of a push and left Kirchner to bring him down which he did. Henderson lands on his back with Kirchner holding him. Garett how you can compare that to the chiefs/force incident is beyond me.
IRB/World Rugby's protocol has been the same since the Jared Payne incident and rightly so it a safety issue Andy that's all
plus O'Brien clearly seen Henderson was in the air and committed a professional foul
Garrett, let it go man- life goes on
some people want to continue haha I'm happy to chat
Some Friday night you've got planned then
rugby rugby rugby mate haha
Not a yellow. The incident in the chiefs game was picking the player up, lifting his legs way beyond horizontal and dropping him on his shoulder/neck. Henderson didn't come close to being in as dangerous position. Of course going beyond the horizontal is the difference. Not every dump tackle is a yellow. The risk is completely different.
My rule is that I never trust a guy with a name like Garrett.. Ca
Nice but dim
still a risk Steven and I never trust a man without a face to his comments haha
Moc in trouble?
this is rugby not javelin
For what
Here y'all should play some American football. It's way more awesome and cool. The hits are bigger, the skill is higher and they've got smokin' hot cheerleaders. The season is over right now but check out preseason starting late July. LETS GO GIANTS!!!
Lifting a player from the ground and dropping or driving that player into the ground whilst that player's feet are still off the ground such that the player's head and/or upper body come into contact with the ground is dangerous play." Just FYI garrett, past the horizontal is the rule. I'm sure you're a great ref though