Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Stormers secure the restart and Duvenhage clears
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
Hy is sowaar oor
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
dit kan 29 wees

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
de Allende runs wide and switches with du Toit who finds Samuels and the hooker stretches over after being tackled
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
bulls Val nou uit die bus
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
daar druk die stormers

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Rhule breaks the line

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Stormers Penalty as Carr effects a steal
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
lekker vars bene
Johan Allen Voogt
May 5
nou begin die bulls manne op stuur