Are u football player or rugbymen? Stop this **** and enjoy the game
Bloody annoys me how petty Welshmen and Scots play out their politics and envies against England when playing the ABs. I don't give a damn about you and frankly the ABs have more respect for England than you treacherous ********.
So much lack of grace - England gave it everything heroic and a fantastic game with great skill and intensity
Nonu, savea and smith single handedly ripped up the England defence
Haaaa Rob why you even saying we got hammered? We have strung 4 performances against NZ that Wales could only dream of! 1 win in 100 years none in the last 60. You just embarrassed your country! I live in Wales and you misrepresent your country sir!
Anti English attitude from the welsh hete
We won and didn't have the worlds best Ayer
Yeah you're right James I'm very stressed and insecure, please hold on for a sec while I take a selfie and weigh myself.
It's the envious support of anyone playing England