Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Duffie and Placid collide - both players down

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
NAnai with a great tackle and the Blues steal it yet again

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
HAT TRICK TRY as Akira pilfers a loose ball and puts his brother away for his 3rd try

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
English Volavola and Mafi force their way over the advantage line

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Cummins takes the lin eout

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Penalty Rebels

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Volavola with an early touch and manages to field a high ball

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
West with a sensational and accurate kick into space and Nanai just beats Meehan to score

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
TMO to look at a try as Nanai chases a perfect West kick

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Rieko says he wants to be a 13 - here is why