Halaifonua doesn't wrap his hands and hits Sinoti high. A yellow card coming here.

High tackle in midfield and the ref will have another look with the TMO.

Woodward tries to gather but knocks it into touch. Newcastle lineout.

Knock on and Hodgson picks it up and kicks downfield.

Newcastle exit their 22 wit ha kick. Gloucester bring it back into the Newcastle half.

Ackermann takes it up from the lineout but knocks on in the tackle. Newcastle scrum.

The Falcons gather the lineout and find touch. Gloucester lineout on the away sides 22.

Gloucester go wide and Sharples kicks through finding touch pinning Newcastle on their 5 meter.

Newcastle exit their 22 after the kick off and Gloucester have the ball.

Young the creator as he collects a high ball and finds a gap breaking into the back field, drawing a defender and offloading to Hogg who goes in under the posts.