Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Georgia scrum penalty but Russia held up well at the scrum until they went to ground

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Russia spread it but forced into a fumble, first scrum of the game

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Russia attacking line out 35m from the try line

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Shoulder charge by Georgia giving Russia the penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Georgia run it back early as they spread it wide left

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Russia secure it and clear

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Georgia get the game underway and look to make it 5 wins from 5 games in the 2020 REC

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
The sides are on their way out as we get ready for the anthems

Ultimate Rugby
Feb 2
Welcome to the final round of the 2020 Rugby Europe Championship. Georgia who have already wrapped up the title host Russia. Live updates to follow