Conan Mc Donnell
Oct 10
The game wasn't won or lost cos of yellows. It was lost by England in the SCRUM
David McGill
Oct 10
Ron no they can't they will jinx us

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Kruis knocks on the ball in contact. Wallabies' put in to the scrum.
Andrew Whitton
Oct 10
The best English went to Australia
Paul Gallagher
Oct 10
Dallan O'Reilly
Oct 10
There won't be a wave surfed nor a sheep sheared in 'straya tonight!
Philip Greenow
Oct 10
It was a shoulder to the head with no attempt to wrap around
Ron C.
Oct 10
All ye English fans can support Ireland for the rest of the RWC
Oct 10
Bunch of exile prisoners
Francis Tea-Riki Tuanu Marama
Oct 10
time for a beer mateyy