Nkosi charges it up from the scrum. Coetzee into contact a phase later.

Connacht look to counter from deep after the ball went loose. A forward pass stops a threatening looking move.

Heffernan's throw is not straight. Scrum to the Bulls.

Goosen tries a grubber pass but it goes into touch. Lineout to Connacht.

Goosen attempts the drop goal from teh goalline drop out. It goes wide and Connacht return the kick.

Burger breaks from the back of the Bulls lineout throwing a superb dummy. He finds Kriel in support. He kicked through. Hansen covers and dots down for a goal line drop out.

Heffernan drives off the back. Grobbelaar drives him into touch.

Drive from Connacht.

Connacht go to the 5m ineout again.

Hawkshaw tries the cross kick. It doesn't come off. Nortje jumped across the lineout to compete.