Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Akira Ioane looks bewildered as he collects and scores - Referee gives it and ask TMO to assist

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
45 seconds to go

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Blues and Guyton on attack

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Reds turn it

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
reds with a short low restart and Ranger grabs it and is off

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Nanai with a break after sleek hands, he has a man in support out wide but steps and goes alone. Well tackled and Perofeta picks and burrows over on debut

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Blues just outside their 22

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Cooper with a good pass but fumbled out wide

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Tuttle to Sanday