Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Both teams re-enter the pitch for the second half

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Underhill spills the ball forward

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
The ball squirts out of the scrum but Bath claim possessiion

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
The ball is stuck in a ruck so the referee calls for a scrum to Bath

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Bath have possession at the Gloucester 22

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Gloucester win the lineout and Heinz clears the ball to touch

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Joseph puts a chip through for Brew but its a little too much

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Bath win the lineout and Rokoduguni carries through the middle

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Faletau wins the penalty for Bath with a great turnover

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Good carries from Gloucester allow them to reach the Bath 22