Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Heiz takes it quickly an get Gloucester into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Penalty to Gloucester on halfway as Bath go off their feet

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Spencer sends it high up past halfway

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Bath win a penalty on halfway from the breakdown. Gloucester off their feet

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Underhill knocks on to allow Gloucester to kick deep

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Bath win a lineout just outside the Gloucester 22m

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Evans sends it to the corner. Rokoduguni does well in the air

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Monster hit from Underhill on Evans

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Evans finds touch on the 10m

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
A cross kick is pick off by Gloucester, who then win a penalty