Penalty to Bath this time. Gloucester offside

Bath win the lineout. Gloucester didnt even attempt a jump

Spencer clears near halfway. Brilliant kick

Gloucester on the front foot as they carry short of the 22m before Heinz kicks perfectly to the corner

Bath clear past their 22m after attempting to run it back

Twelvetrees lines up a shot

Gloucester penalty from the scrum.

Bath knock on halfway after loose passing from Gloucester

Evans restarts the game

As it stands, Bath are in some trouble if they are to stay in playoff contention. Bristol and Sale still need to play and a loss tonight will be a massive blow to them. They have looked second best in the first half as Gloucester have made them pay for too many penalties are errors. Conditions have made things more difficult, but Bath need to really get into the groove or they could be missing out on their first playoffs in 5 years. For Gloucester, a win is massive for them to qualify for the Champions Cup