Bulls add Swys de Bruin to coaching wishlist - Reports
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According to rugby365 Eddie Jones wants Bulls head coach John Mitchell to report for duty by September 1 and the Bulls have since turned their attention to the Lions head coach.
Although there is still a number of details that need to be worked out with the Bulls reportedly demanding 10 times the compensation England have offered.
The Bulls have since turned their attention to Mitchell's replacement with Lions coach Swys de Bruin the latest name added to the Pretoria-based side's wishlist.
The list of potential coaches for the 2019 Super Rugby season has been growing over the past few weeks with the likes of John Dobson, Jimmy Stonehouse and Ewen McKenzie being tipped for the top job.
De Bruin is the latest name to be linked with the side but the Bulls will have to drive a hard bargain with the Lions with the Johannesburg-based side having recently lost Johan Ackermann to Gloucester.
According to rugby365, at this stage, it is just a list of potential coaches who “should be invited to interviews”. It is unknown who of the ‘potential’ coaches will eventually accept the invitation’ to attend an interview.