Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

TMO checking for foul play

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Stormers caught offside, penalty Zebre, stoppage in play

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cook under pressure at the scrum but does well to find Mazza up towards the 22

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Overthrown by Zebre but it's gone forward off a Stormers hand, scrum to the hosts

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum penalty to Zebre and Eden sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Front rows go up so they will reset

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Chip ahead from Jantjies and Zebre spill it forward for a Stormers scrum

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Stormers shift it left to Davids up towards halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cross field kick but the Stormers gather

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Show and go form Eden stepping and breaking the line