Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Tonga playing the ball off feet, Biggar opts for the corner

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Turnover ball and Wales kick through, the chase was on but Lilo manages to get there first and dot down in own try zone, 22m drop out

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lilo with a follow up run, Tonga passing it well in mid field

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11
Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Great cross kick by Biggar to find Evans for rushes over the line to take Wales ahead

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Wales making in roads into Tonga half

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

T Williams to Biggar, the fly half does not risk the pass and opts to go into contact

Stephen Colliar Nov 11

Well this game just got interesting.

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Good read from the Vailanu to intercept the pass and run it in for Tonga from his own half

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Takulua puts a chip through, ball is well chased but is knocked on by Vailanu