JP Mar 3

I hate people saying that **** James! Both of them were clear yellows and the penalty try was a clear penalty try! Not him being nice? He allowed Wales chill offside all day! But I will also say ireland were poor and Wales played te game that was infront of them so great defense

Rory O Brien Mar 3

great match despite the result

Rory O Brien Mar 3

2 deserved yellows. they gave countless penalties away inside their 22 in the second half which Barnes either ignored and didn't give a warning for the ones he gave

Dean Mar 3

Both teams were A teams

James Milevsky Mar 3

Don't know how you can slag Barnes for being on the Welsh side as he sent 2 of them to the bin

Pjw Mar 3

Beaten fair and square! And imagine our best side had played. Stop whinging you're pathetic.

Aoibhin Stone Mar 3


Nathan L. Mar 3

Definitely a reset

Nathan L. Mar 3

As a Wales fan, I don't think it was a penalty